Once upon a time, there was a country…
It requires ruthlessness. No mercy. Probably a god complex to pull this off.
Let’s assume you run a country where its people are united by a fairy tale of entitlement for world power. Your country’s prosperity roots from natural resources, a huge army with nuclear weapons and hardworking people. One of your powers pillar is dependency. Allies rely either on your protection, products or the image you meticulous nurture. Let’s also assume one of your allies rises economically. Because it takes advantage of you instead of the other way round. To add insult to injury the success of your partner is based on cheap energy purchased from your class enemy.
The last piece of the puzzle is this class enemy. A shattered shadow of a once powerful nation, it still acts as a patsy to sell your story of good versus evil. Your rivalry goes back decades. You fought various proxy wars against each other and that is what you are left with. The big stand off is too much of a risk, because of mutual assured destruction. Now this party made a move. Maybe you provoked him over and over again, or maybe not. This little fact doesn’t make a difference in this hypothetic scenario. Matter of factly this represents a huge opportunity to catch two birds with one stone.
Sounds straight out of a CIA playbook, doesn’t it?
The list of destabilized countries, assissinated leaders or fairy tales to convince others to go to war with you is very long. I’m old enough to remember the incubator story to form a coalition against Iraq in the 90s. I also vividly remember Mr. Powell’s lie at the UN about weapons of mass destruction. Afghanistan, drone wars and so on.
Europe is made ripe for takeover. Skyrocketing energy prices force various industries to shut down. Stubborn ideologues who claim to fight climate change are helpful idiots for your sinister plan, because they have no clue how things are made. Now these industry do not close shop, quite the contrary. They look for a reliable, business friendly environment in a safe spot.
Welcome to America. Set up shop here. We have plenty of reliable energy, millions of consumer happy folks. Plus, they are willing to work for you with less bureaucratic laws in place. Let’s make some money together. End of story.